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0800 328 8213


We can SAVE you money… we replace the Pane not the Frame!

Here at Cloud 9 Windows, our experienced team has worked on a complete range of properties. We can deliver replacement double-glazing units to all kinds of homes and businesses. We’re also able to provide comprehensive repairs to ensure that your windows deliver the most reliable service. Whether you’re looking for comprehensive window repairs or replacement glass for your window units, our team are here to help.

Over the years, our experienced team has worked to provide a full range of industry-leading services. Whether you’re suffering heat loss due to compromised double glazing or your window can no longer be opening or closed correctly, get in touch today. Thanks to our window repair specialists, you could ensure that your home or business is protected against heat loss, potential intrusion and inclement weather.

Replacement Double-Glazing Units / Window Repairs in Knaresborough

Cloud 9’s specialists are able to provide a complete range of services to homes and businesses across Knaresborough. We are able to quickly repair broken, failed and misted-up double-glazing windows. In addition to industry-standard double-glazing windows, we’re also able to carry out repairs to UPVC windows. In addition to simple repairs, we’re also able to replace a full range of damaged components. For example, we can replace domestic and commercial window units as required.

Whatever kind of window issues you might be experiencing, our team are here to help. For more than 25 years, our team as delivered industry-leading services to all kinds of homes and businesses. If you’re looking for specialist window repairs, don’t hesitate to call our experienced team today.

What Makes Double-Glazing Window Units Necessary for Properties in Knaresborough?

Double-glazing window units are essential components for homes and businesses across Knaresborough and the surrounding areas. These window units deliver a range of great benefits, including:

  • Low Heating Costs – Thanks to double-glazing window units, you’ll notice that the costs of heating your property decrease. This is because these window units will prevent heat from escaping. Double-glazing will work to keep hot air in your home or business and prevent cold from entering. This can greatly lower heating costs across your property.
  • Improved Security – Double-glazing is much more secure than single-pane glazing. These window units are more difficult to break and extremely hard to pass through. As such, they will drastically improve the security of both homes and businesses.
  • Noise Insulation – In addition to providing long-term heating insulation, double-glazing can also deliver reliable noise insulation. These double-glazing window units can prevent noise pollution from affecting your home or business. As such, it is essential for noisy areas, such as on high-streets or for properties close to busy roads.

Thanks to the great benefits delivered by reliable double-glazing windows, these units are a popular choice for all homes and businesses. These double-glazing units can be used to save you money, enhance your property and reduce your impact on the environment.

Window Repairs and Replacement Double-Glazing Units in Knaresborough

Over the years, our experienced team has delivered a complete range of window repairs in Knaresborough to all kinds of properties. Whether you’re experiencing issues with your domestic, commercial or industrial window units, our team are here for you.

Benefits of Fitting Energy Saving Glass:

  • Reduce your Heating Bills

  • Cut Down Condensation

  • Reduce your Carbon Footprint

  • Limit Window Heat Loss

5 year glass guarantee

Call 0800 328 8213 for a free quote

Windows & Door Repairs

Decorative Glass

Locks, Handles & Hinge Repairs

Insulating Glass

Misted-Up Double-Glazing Units

Double-glazing units are reliable options for homes and businesses across Knaresborough. However, they are vulnerable to issues such as misting. This is where hot or cold air is able to escape into the space between the two panes of glass. This change in temperature will cause one of the two panes to suffer from condensation.

Misted double-glazing window units will provide a less reliable service. They will offer the same quality of service as a single-glazing window unit. Misted units will reduce your visibility through the window – however, they are valuable in that they are a clear sign that something is wrong with your unit. Whether the glass is damaged, the seal has been compromised or there are other issues, misted-up double-glazing needs to repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

misted-up double-glazing knaresborough
broken / failed double-glazing knaresborough

Broken or Failed Double-Glazing

Broken double-glazing will not always start to mist. As such, you will need to look for other symptoms, including draughts and heat loss. Double-glazing units which have failed or suffered damage can cost you money and make your property less comfortable. They can also cause a range of structural issues, including rising damp and mould. In many cases, noise pollution can also increase due to the lack of an effective seal.

Here at Cloud 9 Windows, we can repair all kinds of all kinds of broken double glazing across your home or business. Damaged window units can lead to a wide range of problems – as such, getting them repaired is more important than ever.

Replacement Glass for Windows

Here at Cloud 9 Windows, we can install replacement glass for window units of all kinds. In many cases, when your windows become damaged, replacing the entire unit can be extremely costly. Here at Cloud 9 Windows, we can help to save you money by replacing the damaged glass itself. This is significantly cheaper than installing a new window unit.

If it is possible, we will replace the damaged glass and leave the unit as is. We can restore a window unit’s seal and install reliable, hard-wearing glass. Whether you’re looking for clear glass, decorative glass or even frosted/privacy glass, get in touch today.

replacement glass for windows in knaresborough
UPVC glass windows in knaresborough

UPVC Window Repairs in Knaresborough

UPVC windows are a popular choice for homes and businesses of all kinds. These window units are hard-wearing and will deliver a reliable service in almost any environment. Here at Cloud 9 Windows, we’re able to repair and replace all kinds of damaged UPVC window units. Whatever size or style of UPVC window unit your property relies on, our team are here for you.

We’re able to deliver a full range of UPVC window repairs in Knaresborough and the surrounding areas. Our team can replace damaged components and repair damaged window units as required.

For Window Repairs in Knaresborough and the Surrounding Areas, Call Cloud 9 Today

Over the years, the Cloud 9 Window team has worked to provide a full range of double-glazing replacements and window repairs. If you’re looking for replacement double-glazing units or simple glass replacement, our team are here for you.

For more information on the wide range of window repairs in Knaresborough that we can provide, don’t hesitate to get in touch today. You can reach our experts directly by calling us on 0800 328 8213. If you have any questions or concerns, you can use our simple online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer, you can also email us directly at and our team will respond as soon as we can.

5 Year

Door Repairs & Window Replacements

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