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0800 328 8213


We can SAVE you money… we replace the Pane not the Frame!

Are you looking for affordable and high-quality window repairs or replacements in Adel? If so, get in touch with Cloud 9 Windows today. With over 25 years’ experience behind us, we have the know-how and wealth of knowledge required to offer the best services for your property. Whether your windows are broken, shattered or faulty, we will evaluate and provide the best solution for your specific situation.

We pride ourselves on an exceptional service, leaving our customers on Cloud 9 thanks to the positive experience they encounter with our company! Instead of replacing full units, we simply replace only the glass panes – and not the frames – to help save our customers money. For information on our fully comprehensive list of services, please get in touch with us by calling us directly or using our online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Replacement Double-Glazing Units and Window Repairs in Adel

Here at Cloud 9, we offer double-glazing replacements in Adel and the surrounding areas. From removing your older windows and leaving the space clear for your new window to be fitted to providing a clean finish that will last you for the years to come, we’ll be there every step of the way. Whether you are changing one single casement window or having your entire house replaced with uPVC windows, there is no job too big or too small for us.

There are a few clear indicators that will let you know when your windows need replacing or repairing. If there are clear signs that your window are worn out and there are signs of rotting or warping, it could be that the double-glazing is failing and need replacing immediately. Moreover, if you have noticed that you energy bills are increasing month on month, there may be slight cracks in your window that you have not yet noticed.

Why are Double-Glazing Window Units Essential for Modern Properties?

When choosing new windows for your modern property, it’s important to seriously consider double-glazing as your number one option. Below, are just a few of the benefits to choosing double-glazing, as opposed to alternate options such as single-glazing windows;-

  • Energy-Efficient – An ideal choice for homeowners who are looking to improve energy efficiency. The sealed air gap between the two panes acts as an added layer to improve insulation which helps to achieve preferred temperatures throughout the year.
  • Increases Property Value – Double-glazing are more expensive than most alternate options but they are more than worth the price. They provide increased security and if you’re looking at selling your property at some point in time, double-glazing installation can help to increase property value.
  • Noise Insulation – If you struggle with noise pollution due to living next to a motorway or busy road, double-glazing units can help to block the noise out and can create a much more homely feel and environment.

Benefits of Fitting Energy Saving Glass:

  • Reduce your Heating Bills

  • Cut Down Condensation

  • Reduce your Carbon Footprint

  • Limit Window Heat Loss

5 year glass guarantee

Call 0800 328 8213 for a free quote

Windows & Door Repairs

Decorative Glass

Locks, Handles & Hinge Repairs

Insulating Glass

Misted-Up Double-Glazing Units

Misted-up windows are a common issue with double-glazing windows. If you’re struggling to see out of your window, it’s likely due to condensation that has been trapped inside your sealed double-glazing unit.  In this case, our expert team can provide a replacement service where we are able to replace the glass only.

Depending on the extent of the issue, it may be be possible to offer repairs as opposed to replacements. Our surveyors will come and visit your property at a time that suits you to fully assess the situation before proposing the a repair or replacement.


misted up double-glazing Adel
broken or failed double glazing roundhay

Broken or Failed Double-Glazing

Although it is a common symptom, failed/broken double-glazing units will not always mist. In these cases, you need to look out for other symptoms. These can include draughts or loss of heat. It is also possible for noise pollution to become a more serious concern. If you notice any of these issues, then you need to ensure that your double-glazing units are repaired as quickly as possible.

Replacement Glass for Windows

If you require replacement glass for windows in Adel, look no further than Cloud 9 Windows. Replacement glass for windows is necessary if you have broken panes, broken seals or drafty windows. the repair cost of window glass alone could equal the price of a new set of windows if it’s too difficult to remove the panes from the sashes. Here at Cloud 9 Windows, we are a big advocates of window replacements in Adel. Although window repairs are a feasible option in some cases, we also try and provide the most cost-effective and beneficial option for our customers – replacement glass. 


replacement glass for windows Adel
upvc window repairs Adel

UPVC Window Repairs in Adel

UPVC windows are an extremely popular choice for many businesses and homes across Wetherby.  They provide fantastic security, insulation and are low maintenance. Although UPVC windows are incredibly resilient, they are still prone to damage from extreme weather conditions and wear and tear.


For Comprehensive Double-Glazing Windows in Adel, Contact Cloud 9 Windows Today

If you’re seeking affordable and cost-effective window repairs or window replacements in Adel, Cloud 9 Windows are just a phone call away from helping you.

If you require any further details or information, call us now on 0800 328 8213 or email us with any queries you may have to We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with our expert help and advice.


5 Year

Door Repairs & Window Replacements Adel

Yorkshire & The Humber Coverage Area: