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0800 328 8213

Double glazing repairs Potters Bar

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Double glazing repairs Potters Bar


Double glazing repairs Potters Bar Double glazing repairs Potters Bar


Cloud 9 Window Replacements offer a fantastic service replacing only the panes of single, double and triple glazed units saving our customers money.

So you don’t have to replace the costly frames.

Cloud 9 Window Replacements also repair doors and can replace door handles, letter boxes, mechanisms, locks and hinges.


Window & Door Repairs Potters Bar

  • Misted or broken glass units replaced
  • Failed double glazed units replaced
  • Broken glass
  • Velux windows – glass replacement service
  • Jammed/draughty/leaky windows & doors
  • Replacement window & door seals
  • UPVC window & door repairs
  • Conservatory repairs
  • Realigning of windows & doors
  • Thick double glazing repairs
  • Replace the panes not the frames
  • Cat & dog flap installations


Commercial double glazing repairs:

Further more we also cater for all types of commercial properties, shops, hotels, restaurants, bars, apartments, high street, etc.


Double glazing repairs Potters Bar


About Cloud 9 Window Replacements:

Cloud 9 Window Replacements provide an expert service in repairing windows.

Not only do we have over 25 years’ experience in the industry, we are motivated to deliver excellent standards with honesty and integrity.

All good relationships are built on trust and we strive to ensure our customers have a positive experience with us each and every time.

Also all our customers can also make fantastic savings by replacing only the glass panes and not the frames.

Cloud 9 Window Replacements replace failed or broken units in wood, aluminium, UPVC and velux windows as well as repairing locks, handles, hinges and mechanisms.

Furthermore we endeavour to support our local community by sourcing as many of our products as possible from local suppliers.

We pride ourselves on exceptional service leaving our customers on cloud 9.

So whether it’s replacement double glazed units, broken door mechanism, draughty hard to lock windows and doors for a specialist service in Potters Bar.

Why not give Cloud 9 Window Replacements a call on 0800 328 8213 or email us on


5 Year Glass Guarantee

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